Bill Erickson was born and raised in a Christian home, attending church from the nursery. Bill was saved as a child and eventually baptized as a teenager. In the year 2000, while attending Bible Baptist Church of Ghent, New York, Bro. Bill was called to preach on July 2, during a Sunday Evening service. A month later Bro. Bill and his precious wife moved to Gary, Indiana to attend Bible College. After graduating from college with a B. S. in Pastor Theology, Bro. Erickson moved back to New York to serve in his home church for nine years. Shortly after returning to serve in his home church, Bro. Erickson was ordained into the Gospel Ministry in October of 2005. Then in January of 2013, God called Bro. Erickson to become the Pastor of Flat Brook Baptist Church, which had been closed for a year. On February 24, 2013, the church restart was successful and a new chapter about this historic church began to be written. In 2017, Bro. Erickson graduated from Gethsemane Bible Institute with a Master of Theology degree. Pastor Erickson continues to lead this church with sound Bible teaching and practical Bible preaching. Pastor Bill Erickson also continued his education while pastoring and successfully earned his Doctorate in Ministry from Baptist College of America in Kokomo, Indiana in 2023. Pastor Bill Erickson has been married for over 25 years and has the support of his lovely wife, Daphne and his two children, Gabby (20) and Josiah (15).