Flat Brook 
   Baptist Church

Our Beliefs

The following Articles of Faith comprise the foundational beliefs of this church and its members. This Statement of Faith does not exhaust all tenants of our faith, but is meant to give you a brief idea of what we believe. The Bible itself is the sole and final source of all that we believe here at Flat Brook. Please contact us regarding a more exhaustive Statement of Faith.

I. The Bible

We believe the Scriptures to be the inerrant, infallible Word of God, as found within the sixty six books from Genesis to Revelation. We believe in the verbal inspiration and preservation of the scriptures found only in the King James Bible otherwise known as the Authorized Version.

II. The Trinity

We believe the Godhead consists of the Trinity; God the Father, God the Son (Jesus) and God the Holy Spirit, all three being equal in power and authority.

III. Creation

We believe in the Genesis account of creation being six literal 24 our days and thus we reject the heresy of Evolution, in any form.

IV.  Satan

We believe that Satan is a real literal being referred to as Lucifer, a fallen angel from Heaven, who opposes all that God does. The Devil and his demons are work blinding the eyes of those who do not believe.

V.  Virgin Birth

We believe in the supernatural conception and virgin birth of Jesus Christ, who was God made flesh, conceived by the Holy Ghost. 

VI.  Salvation

We believe that salvation comes only through faith in the shed blood of Christ, who lived a sinless life, died a vicarious death and rose from the grave. We believe that it is all of God's Grace that man is able to experience the new birth by being Born Again.

VII.  Eternal Security 

We believe in the security of the believer also commonly referred to as "once saved, always saved." Since no works can save a person, no works can keep a person saved. Jesus Christ is responsible for our salvation and He is the only one who keeps us saved.

VIII.  Separation

We believe in Biblical separation, both ecclesiastically (churches of not like faith) and personal holy living. We are to be different from the world and set apart to Christ.

IX. The Local Church

We believe the purpose of the local church is to fulfill the great commission, edify the saints and restore the fallen. We believe in only two ordinances of the local church, those being baptism by immersion and the Lord's supper.

X. The End Times

We believe in the pre-tribulation rapture of the church and pre-millennial return of Christ, followed by 1,000 year reign of Christ on earth.

XI.  Sanctification 

We believe in positional sanctification at salvation, practical sanctification as the believer grows and permanent sanctification (glorification) in Heaven of the believer when Christ returns.

XII.  Heaven and Hell

We believe in the Eternal glory of Heaven for the righteous and Eternal torment in Hell for the wicked. A real literal Heaven and literal Hell.

XIII.  Gifts of the Spirit

We believe that the Charismatic movement is unscriptural and that the sign gifts have fulfilled there purpose and ceased with the completion of the Bible.